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Current books in progress

Code Name Verity  - Elizabeth Wein Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking - Susan Cain Le Morte Darthur - Thomas Malory, Stephen H.A. Shepherd Daniel Deronda (Penguin Classics) - George Eliot, Terence Cave The Devil in the Shape of a Woman: Witchcraft in Colonial New England - Carol F. Karlsen


I've read 42% of this wonderful book. I am not entirely sure what is what, but I am very much enjoying the ride. I love both Queenie and Maddie, and cannot wait to see where the story ends up.



I have read almost 50% of this one. I am learning so much about myself and the people around me. I don't read a lot of NF, but this one reads really fast.



I am just barely into this one! This is a 10 week group read for my GR classics group. Reading the Middle English requires a great deal of focus, although the tale itself, so far, isn't difficult to follow (of course, like most sentient creatures, I already have a pretty good understanding of the mythology).



This is another buddy read.  Some people hate Eliot - I haven't read enough to have a basis to make an overall decision, but I loved Middlemarch, and I am really liking this one as well. Poor Gwendolyn. I don't think things will turn out well for her.



And, another buddy read. Also, this is one that I've had in my TBR for a while, and I am doing a non-fiction, historical challenge this year. I am not far into the book - about 20%, but it is fury-creating. The story of witch-hunting is a story of societies that murder non-compliant women.