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RIP Booklikes.

I hate my browser

Beastly - Alex Flinn City of Dark Magic - Magnus Flyte Agatha H. and the Airship City (Girl Genius novels #1) - Kaja  Foglio, Kaja Foglio Twice Tempted - Jeaniene Frost Eternal Kiss of Darkness - Jeaniene Frost First Drop of Crimson - Jeaniene Frost One Grave at a Time - Jeaniene Frost This Side of the Grave - Jeaniene Frost Destined for an Early Grave - Jeaniene Frost At Grave's End - Jeaniene Frost

Does anyone else find it impossible to open books from their shitty old version of IE which their employer makes them fucking use in spite of the fact that it is shitty and old?


In order to work around, I seriously have to add the books to a post, then open them from my blog page to get the bookpage open to shelve them.


Whaaat? Bitches.


Oh, and by the way, even that doesn't work reliably. Fuckety fuck fuck fuck.


Also, the shelving page is buggy as shit. Color me irritated.