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Reading progress update: I've read 141 out of 188 pages.

Cat Among the Pigeons - Agatha Christie

Julia looked at him in an expectant fashion.


“You leave yourself in my hands? Good.” Hercule Poirot closed his eyes. Suddenly he opened them and became brisk. “It seems that this is an occasion when I cannot, as I prefer, remain in my chair. There must be order and method, but in what you tell me, there is no order and method. That is because we have here many threads. But they all converge and meet at one place, Meadowbank. Different people, with different aims, and representing different interests—all converge at Meadowbank. So, I, too, go to Meadowbank. And as for you—where is your mother?”


Poirot has finally arrived in the narrative!


I do really enjoy Julia Upjohn in this one.