Who spends their days white-knighting Ivanka Trump?

I posted a "review" of this nonsense on GR (and I suppose that reposting it here is probably a good idea, since it is possible that GR could delete it as violating their reviews must be about the book not the author "rule").
This is really nothing more than my unedited ramblings that someone like Ivanka Trump had the temerity to publish a book called "Rewriting the Rules for Success."
Honey, you didn't "rewrite" anything. In order to need to rewrite the rules for success, that would imply that some sort of rules actually applied to you. Au contraire - you've never been subject to "rules" in your entire life. A better title for this book would be "Billionaire Daughters Who Benefit: Suspending, Evading and Transcending The Rules Via Nepotism, Entitlement and Privilege."
There can be nothing that this woman could possibly say that would be relevant to anyone other than herself, or possibly the other gilded daughters born of platinum vaginas into unimaginable privilege.
It's genuinely hard to be a woman who works. Hell, it's hard to be a person who works. Our society isn't great at supporting families. Ivanka Trump's despicable father and the rest of the Republican leadership is trying to make this worse. That makes the publication of this book an even greater affront to women who work. And women who don't work. And men. Human beings, actually.
Ivanka Trump is the diet coke member of the Trump family - she's sparkly, full of fake sugar and empty calories and is attractively packaged. Fundamentally, though, she is entirely substance free.
And now I have some useful idiot claiming that I've personally diminished the integrity of the site, and am not participating properly. Lol.