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RIP Booklikes.

Reading progress update: I've listened 120 out of 600 minutes.

The Bards of Bone Plain - Patricia A. McKillip

Another DNF!


I think that the problem with this one was actually the format. I picked it up in audiobook ages ago, and I''m not loving the narrator. In addition, I find that certain books are better to read than listen, and I think this is one of them.


McKillip's writing is lovely, but my mind wanders while I'm listening, and I found myself looking for excuses not to listen to the audiobook while I was in the car. This is generally not a great sign.


I may look around for a used copy of this one - if I could pick it up for under $5.00, I'd buy it. Unfortunately, McKillip's books don't seem to price drop on amazon, so that's a deterrent. I already spent a credit on this book, and I didn't try listening during the return period, so I'm stuck with it. 


I actually have a paperback copy of her Riddle-Master of Hed series, so I might try giving that a go at some point!