The Twelve Tasks of the Festive Season: Sneak Peek 3
This is the last sneak peek, before the full reveal on
November 1!
Task the Twelfth: The Wassail Bowl
Wassail is a hot, mulled punch often associated with Yuletide drunk from a 'wassailing bowl'. The earliest versions were warmed mead – ale brewed with honey – into which roastedcrab apples were dropped and burst to create a drink called 'lambswool' drunk on Lammas day, still known in Shakespeare's time.
- Read a book set in the UK, preferably during the medieval or Victorian periods (for those of us doing the Merlin read-along, this task is covered).
- Go out or stay in to drink a festive, holiday beverage, alcoholic or non-alcoholic. Take a picture of your drink, and post it to share - make it as festive as possible!