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An instinct for self-preservation is overrated

Murphy's Law - Rhys Bowen

Agatha winner from 2001. Set in turn of the century New York, Molly Murphy has fled her native Ireland after fending off the advances of a member of the landed gentry. She has the bad luck to have been the cause of bad fall, resulting in a dead English man.

I listened to this book. The narration was enjoyable. Molly was, sometimes, a bit overly clueless - the incident where she is nearly trapped into prostitution is silly. No one is that stupid. She is hapless, nearly completely bereft of an instinct for self-preservation, and reckless to a fault.


Her love interest sounds adorable, but has little actual personality. I'm hoping that the author beefs him up as the series continues - as a police detective he is pretty abysmal, although it sounds like his blue Irish eyes are attractive enough to make Molly's heart go pitter patter.


Overall, the book was engaging and the setting was enjoyable, and Molly was pleasant enough, although I hope she smartens up a bit in the later installments. I'll definitely give book 2 a try - not sure if it will be audio or ebook.