So, this is a post about cleaning products
I know, right? What a terrible topic. But I'm going to write it up anyway, because even though I am not a lifestyle blogger, nor am I in love with cleaning, I've been trying really (really) hard in the new year to whip my house into shape. I have a 14 year old son, so my days of sticky fingers are long behind me, but even though I love that kid, he's a pig. My husband, also, is not so good with the cleaning-up-ness. And, finally, I have 4 cats and two dogs with super slimy noses that constantly have those noses pressed up against my windows/sliding glass doors.
In an effort to streamline my processes, I've been looking for an all-purpose cleaner that will basically clean everything. Something that smells good would be extra nice, and something that is environmentally sound and non-toxic, all the better.
I've found it. I've seen those semi-fancy Method cleaners in the grocery store for years, and I've considered trying one, but never bought any until last week. I bought the French lavender all purpose cleaner, which claims to be good on all surfaces, from wood to glass, with stops at stone and tile in between. It isn't absurdly expensive - I paid $3.99 for my 28 oz. bottle.
I also ordered a pack of micro-fiber cleaning cloths from amazon. I used the Method to clean everything, and instead of using paper towels, I used the microfiber cloths. Even on the glass they work beautifully. I hope to eliminate my paper towel use if not completely, at least nearly completely.
So, here are the products:
The French lavender really does smell fantastic. There are many different scents, all of which look delightful.
My glass sliding door has seriously never been cleaner, and my house smells like a French farmhouse.