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My Life According To The Books I Read In 2014


The new year is approaching, and I'm summing it up with a meme hosted by The Happily Ever After... entitled My Life According To The Books I Read In 2014

Describe yourself: 
The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton

How do you feel: 
Hammered by Kevin Hearne

Describe where you currently live: 

Justice Hall by Laurie King

If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
Somewhere In France by Jennifer Robson

Your favorite form of transportation:
Raven Flight by Juliet Marillier

Your best friend is:

One of Ours by Willa Cather

You and your friends are:
A World of Trouble by Ben Winters

What's the weather like?
Cold Wind by C.J. Box

What is life to you: 
Fortune and Fate by Sharon Shinn

Favorite time of day:
The Mirk and the Midnight Hour by Jane Nickerson

Your fear:
Locked Rooms by Laurie King

What is the best advice you have to give: 
Quiet (The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking) by Susan Cain

Thought for the day:
Snow White Must Die by Nele Neuhaus

How I would like to die:

Sweetly by Jackson Pearce

My soul's present condition: 
Splintered by A.G. Howard

My Family is: 
Sinful Folk by Ned Hayes